Wednesday, November 24, 2010

New blog - new era

It's been a long time since I last blogged. So I thought I'd start afresh with a new name, look and maybe even a new focus - howzabout it...?

In my last blog I was filling you all in on the building of our new house and all the adventures that came with it. Now we've been in here for almost two years and it is time to focus on other creative endeavours - although we are not finished with the house and garden yet by any stretch of the imagination. I believe they say it is one of those projects that never end... though for a while there I did harbour fantasies of it all being 'finished' one day!

Magpies are fierce protectors of their young, but are also wondrous song birds who can mimic the sounds from the world around them in an uncanny way. So this blog takes inspiration from their creativity and resourcefulness. All things arty, crafty, yummy and otherwise will find their way here, you can depend on it! From time to time I may show you our work about the house as well.

L has only 4 weeks left of his first year at school and is growing more every time I blink. P and I both work 4 days a week so that we can help out at the school and pick L up at a reasonable time on at least 2 days. It also means I've been able to squeeze in a painting class on Fridays and have just put some pieces in a local exhibition which I'm quite chuffed about.

For those who haven't already seen the exhibited pieces - here they are below.

Long paddock - acrylic on canvas

Morning at the beach - pastel on paper

My turf - charcoal and pastel on paper

Still life with pear - watercolour on paper
Still life with jug - pastel on paper
Boats at sunset - watercolour on paper

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